Home Staging is a true marketing technique that allows properties to be seen for what they really are. Home Staging, in fact, means professionally preparing a house for the real estate market, whether it is for sale or for rent.
It is not a renovation, however, through professional intervention in furnishings, textiles and decoration it is able to significantly increase the perceived value of the property.
An empty property, for example, is difficult to read, the rooms seem smaller than they are and it is not easy to imagine how they will look once furnished, moreover it does not express personality, does not convey emotions and does not emphasize one’s own points of strength.
A well-prepared property, on the other hand, communicates feelings of well-being, beauty and harmony. But it is not enough to improve its aesthetics: it is necessary to create environments that are able to excite, but also to communicate functionality, usability and potential, placing the potential buyer at the centre of every design choice, understanding and anticipating their needs and expectations.
In this way it is possible to transform a real estate transaction into a successful real estate transaction, i.e. fast and profitable.

What is Home Staging and how to get the most out of it
Home Staging is the art of preparing a property for sale or rent with a minimum investment in order to drastically reduce its time on the market and sell or rent it at the best price.
In Ferruz Studio we define the most appropriate target to direct the sale or rental, we capture the strengths of the property and we enhance them thanks to a specific staging, professional photographs and an effective promotion.
Beautiful images will attract a greater number of potential buyers, favouring and speeding up the negotiation.
Who is Home Staging for and why should you implement it now?
Enhancing the potential of properties proves to be a valid and effective strategy for Real Estate Investors, Builders, Real Estate Agencies and, of course, Individuals.
Placing a property on the real estate market is an advantage for everyone. For the seller/renter, of course, but also for the potential buyer and for the broker who manages the sale.
The potential buyer can read at a glance the potential of the space and thus understand if it is what he is looking for. Home staging helps to find supply and demand quickly in the multitude of advertisements, simplifying negotiations.
The real estate agent, for his part, will enjoy both short-term benefits, such as higher profitability, and long-term benefits, since the consequent improvement in his image will result in a progressive and natural increase in the quality of the real estate products that he will subsequently acquire.
In short, a virtuous circle set in motion by approaching the real estate market with professionalism and responsibility.

When and how to choose home staging
Home staging is suitable for any type of property, whether empty or furnished, inhabited or uninhabited. If you want to sell or rent in Spain, Ferruz Studio can help you make your dream come true, thanks to our home stager specialists in the sector.
The data speaks for itself: Home Staging is a real marketing tool that helps to speed up the sale or rental of a property. Real estate agents, builders, investors, but also private individuals can take advantage of it.
If you are interested in Home Staging services for your property in Spain, Ferruz Studio is the right answer to your needs!
Discover the advantages that Ferruz Studio offers you!
Do you still want to wait for your property to remain unsold or do you want to call us immediately?
For PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS who wish to sell their property, we help them to enhance and improve their image by reducing selling times and increasing its perceived value.
For REAL ESTATE AGENTS who want to stand out, we form valid alliances and study together the best and most innovative marketing strategies for the exclusive sale of their properties.
BUILDERS who, through our set-up created on the “Show Floor”, make the presentation of the properties for sale realistic, and thus enhance the spaces in the eyes of potential buyers.